Contact Us

Office Phone : 64 – 7 – 867-6665

Cell-Phone : 64 – 27 – 231-2885

FAX : 64 – 7 – 867-6661

Peter on Skype peter.alchemy
(For flower essence enquiries and general business.)

If you are calling us from overseas, please ensure it is between the hours of 10 am (10:00) and 6 pm (18:00) New Zealand time. To check the current time in our timezone, click here and then select NZ from the “To Time Zone:” box.

Our postal address is……

6 Rakino Drive
Kerepehi RD1, Paeroa  3671
New Zealand

Note that if you are sending us mail from outside New Zealand, you will need to send it airmail, for a reasonable delivery time (it takes about a week to arrive by airmail).

Also please note that if you telephone us, (which you are very welcome to do), there is a time difference, and we do not answer the phone in the middle of the night! Our office hours are 10 am to 6 pm, New Zealand time.

For example, New Zealand is approx. seven hours behind USA Eastern Time, so the best time for USA residents to call us is in the afternoon or evening.  Europe and New Zealand have a time difference of approx. twelve hours, so the best time for European residents to call us is either early in the morning, or late in the evening.

And if we are unable to answer the phone for any reason, please leave us a message on our voice-mail.